![[HANNOT] YUGI Rice bowl & Soup bowl 3P set 4Type](http://casabelloshop.com/cdn/shop/products/4._2_{width}x.jpg?v=1668048578)
따뜻한 밥과 국의 온도를 오래도록 유지시켜주는 국산 유기 그릇입니다. 한놋만의 핸드메이드 작업에 의한 고급스럽고 깔끔한 쉐입으로 유행을 타지 않으며 유기뿐만 아니라 도자기나 우드등 다른 식기들과도 잘 어울려 상차림이 수월합니다.
밥그릇과 국그릇은 디저트 그릇으로 사용할 수 있고, 밥뚜껑은 반찬그릇으로 사용할 수 있습니다. 한놋의 유기는 자체의 항균작용으로 살균효과가 뛰어나서 별도 삶으실 필요가 없습니다. 밥공기와 국그릇의 다양한 디자인으로 취향에 따라 선택 할 수 있습니다.
It is a bowl made by Korean brass that keeps the temperature of warm rice and soup for a long time. The rice bowl and soup bowl can be used as a dessert bowl, and the rice lid can be used as a side dish bowl. Korean brass bowls have an excellent sterilization effect due to their own antibacterial action.
We have 4 types of Rice bowl & Soup bowl sets with different feelings and designs.
Hannot's Yugi is making premium brassware that has been passed down through 4 generations with the philosophy that "brass bowls should be made with craftsmanship, not industrial products."
Rice bowl & Soup bowl set Includes
- 1 Rice bowl
- 1 Soup bowl
- 1 Rice bowl lid
Style Option
1. Omok Rice & Soup bowl set (오목식기 3Pieces)
- Omok bowl is the most basic design and is loved by many people
2. Moon Omok Rice & Soup bowl set (달오목 식기 3Pieces)
- It is a rice bowl for 1 person, and its moderate size and round shape give it a more elegant and soft feel.
3. Oksikki Rice & Soup bowl set (옥식기 3Pieces)
- The concave design like the shape of a jar gives a cute feeling.
4. Okbari Rice & Soup bowl set (옥바리 식기 3Pieces)
- It has a round shape and a slight heel to create an elegant and luxurious feel.
It is loved as the most traditional design.
Material : Brass (copper 78%, tin 22%)
1. 오목식기 3Pieces Set (주발+대접+주발뚜껑)
- 오목식기는 가장 기본적인 디자인으로 많은 사람들에게 사랑 받고 있습니다.
2. 달오목 식기 3Pieces Set (주발+대접+주발뚜껑)
- 1인용 밥그릇으로 적당한 크기와 둥근 쉐입이 고급스럽고 부드러운 느낌을 줍니다.
3. 옥식기 세트 3Pieces Set (주발+대접+주발뚜껑)
- 항아리 쉐입처럼 오목하게 들어간 디자인이 귀여운 느낌을 줍니다.
4. 옥바리 식기 3Pieces Set (주발+대접+주발뚜껑)
- 둥근 쉐입과 약간의 굽이 더 우아하고 고급스러운 느낌을 주며 가장 전통적인 디자인으로 많은 사람들에게 사랑 받고 있습니다.
- Wash the dishes with a green loofah and regular dishwashing detergent.
- Lay it face down to drain the water. (If you wipe it with a dry towel, the scale will not stick.)
- If organic is severely stained
When both brassware and scrubbing brush are dry, wipe along the brassware grain.(At this time, black powder comes out, which is a phenomenon of the grinding process and is harmless to the human body.)
Vinegar 1: Dilute in a ratio of 30 in lukewarm water and soak the product for 4 to 8 hours, then wash the dishes with a green scrubber. - When not in use for a long period of time, remove the moisture completely and store in a cool place wrapped in newspaper.
- Brasswares have their own antibacterial properties and do not need to be boiled.